Netflix Diary
a) The Pineapple Express
This is the kind of movie where I always knew it couldn't live up to its trailer, and I've become accustomed to every Rogen/Apatow project being entirely too long and structurally slack. But once I adjusted my expectations accordingly, this was a whole lot of fun, and strangely enough the more action-heavy bits in the second half that a lot of people took issue with were when it really got going for me, mainly because they did a great job of striking a unique balance between slapstick violence and actually making you uncomfortable with realistic gore and expressions of pain, something you really rarely see in movies. I gotta say, though, I was disappointed with the Huey Lewis song, which I'd heard so much about but never actually heard until the credits rolled. Not one of Huey's catcher tunes, in my opinion.
b) Skinwalkers
This Valentine's Day, as we have every year since we started dating, the wife and I watched horror movies and had Chinese takeout for dinner. But the movies we rented were kind of a wash and we ended up watching something better on cable. One DVD was scratched and wouldn't play, and the other was this turd, which was so bad we might as well not have watched it. My favorite IMDB message board subject lines for this movie are "Somehow, this is worse than underworld" and "quite possibly the worst movie ever made!"
c) "The West Wing," Season 3
I know this is one of those shows that started out strong and gradually petered out over time, but how far on is it worth my while to keep going? So far this season hasn't really been holding my attention as much as the first two, but I know there's gotta be good stuff later on, maybe it's just me. I really liked that whole "Isaac and Ishmael" episode they aired immediately after 9/11, though, I had never heard about it so to kinda pop in the disc and get that instead of the season premiere was kind of a good jolt just like it must've been originally intended to be.
d) Apocalypse Now Redux
Speaking of Martin Sheen, this was sitting in our apartment for like a month before we finally found the time to sit down and watch it, just because it seemed so long and daunting. And though I'm glad I finally saw it, and I'm not gonna be blasphemous and say it sucked or anything, it really kinda wasn't my cup of tea, even if there were a handful of pretty amazing scenes and setpieces.
This is the kind of movie where I always knew it couldn't live up to its trailer, and I've become accustomed to every Rogen/Apatow project being entirely too long and structurally slack. But once I adjusted my expectations accordingly, this was a whole lot of fun, and strangely enough the more action-heavy bits in the second half that a lot of people took issue with were when it really got going for me, mainly because they did a great job of striking a unique balance between slapstick violence and actually making you uncomfortable with realistic gore and expressions of pain, something you really rarely see in movies. I gotta say, though, I was disappointed with the Huey Lewis song, which I'd heard so much about but never actually heard until the credits rolled. Not one of Huey's catcher tunes, in my opinion.
b) Skinwalkers
This Valentine's Day, as we have every year since we started dating, the wife and I watched horror movies and had Chinese takeout for dinner. But the movies we rented were kind of a wash and we ended up watching something better on cable. One DVD was scratched and wouldn't play, and the other was this turd, which was so bad we might as well not have watched it. My favorite IMDB message board subject lines for this movie are "Somehow, this is worse than underworld" and "quite possibly the worst movie ever made!"
c) "The West Wing," Season 3
I know this is one of those shows that started out strong and gradually petered out over time, but how far on is it worth my while to keep going? So far this season hasn't really been holding my attention as much as the first two, but I know there's gotta be good stuff later on, maybe it's just me. I really liked that whole "Isaac and Ishmael" episode they aired immediately after 9/11, though, I had never heard about it so to kinda pop in the disc and get that instead of the season premiere was kind of a good jolt just like it must've been originally intended to be.
d) Apocalypse Now Redux
Speaking of Martin Sheen, this was sitting in our apartment for like a month before we finally found the time to sit down and watch it, just because it seemed so long and daunting. And though I'm glad I finally saw it, and I'm not gonna be blasphemous and say it sucked or anything, it really kinda wasn't my cup of tea, even if there were a handful of pretty amazing scenes and setpieces.
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