Movie Diary

1. V For Vendetta
I didn't watch this with any particular expectations, but I really enjoyed it. It was a little campy and over the top, but also made some genuinely thought-provoking observations about society and was emotionally involving. In other words, what everyone said about The Matrix that I never really agreed with at all. Also, considering that this is primarily known as the movie Natalie Portman shaved her head for, she has pretty gorgeous hair for more than half of it.

2. She's The Man
Perhaps the best cross-dressing soccer comedy since Ladybugs? I generally like Amanda Bynes but I think she's already hitting that unfortunate former teen movie star phase where she just doesn't seem as cute as she used to be, but hasn't made the transition to adult hotness either. And making her dress up as a boy for half the movie comes off more creepy-looking than I think it's meant to be. Still kind of an enjoyable flick, though.

3. Just My Luck
A movie as incompetently, horrendously bad as this, on the other hand, reminds you how many things have to go right for a movie to be even as modestly good as She's The Man. Of course, where Bynes is nobly holding onto the cuteness of her youth, Lohan has been willfully evaporating it with every public move she makes. I always cringe at stock "what else can go wrong?" comedy devices, but it's kind of entertaining, in a pathetic way, to watch this movie go through every single one of them like it's checking off a row of boxes. And the whole movie is a thinly veiled infomercial for McFly's latest doomed attempt to break through in America. We actually have to watch those kids act for a large chunk of the running time. On the plus side, Bree Turner is a babe.

4. Joe Versus The Volcano
I'd seen bits and pieces of this over the years, and I have some friends who swear by it, but I never really sat down to watch this whole movie until recently, and I'm glad I finally did. I don't know what's more amazing, that this seems to be the only comedy that the writer/director ever made, or how any one of the 3 characters Meg Ryan plays is a more impressive role than anything else in her entire career. It's just a perfect balance of absurdity, romance, and mystery. I think if I was writing a screenplay this is one of the movies I'd hold up as a role model for what I'd try to accomplish.
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I [heart] me some Joe vs. the Volcano.
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